Mini Simmons

Can confirm the Mini Simmons is as fun as it looks and a must have for your quiver
— Brayden

Features & Benefits

A funky nod of appreciation to one of surfing’s greatest pioneers, Bob Simmons, this template has all the speed and spark you need to liven up your quiver. Get the most out of your time in the water in marginal conditions, because we all know that no one is surfing perfect waves every day of the year . The single barrel channel through the tail, puts this thing into overdrive and compliments the short yet parallel rail line and wide tail. Available as a quad fin or twin keel depending on personal preference.

Great For

Great for intermediate to advanced surfers who are looking to liven up the everyday conditions of their local break. This board will draw different lines with speed and have you giggling like a child.

+ Surfs Like

Small Waves The extra volume packed into a tiny package will have you up and trimming in weak conditions. You’ll be going faster than you thought possible in small waves, which helps you blast through fatter and flatter sections.

Solid Waves Not often the first board that comes to mind for bigger waves, but for those chasing new challenges remember your Mini Simmons next time your local point break is head high. You'll be racing downn the line at mach 1

Crumbly Waves The Mini Simmons loves crumbly waves. Whatever you do, you’ll find more speed. Its spark and maneuverability will help you float over broken sections and speed through flatter sections making even the most mediocre conditions fun.

Hollow Waves The Simmons speed off the bottom turn will sling you down the line and the quad fin set up will hold a tight line through the barrel.

+ Tech Specs

**Recommended Size Range - ** 5’5-5'9 **Fin Setup - ** Quad Fin or Twin Keel **Rocker - ** Flat as a pancake for maximum speed **Rails - ** Refined to compensate for the volume under the chest **Paddle Power - ** More than a short board less than a mid-length


Starting at $1195