The Joy of Surfing 02
Andy Summons Andy Summons

The Joy of Surfing 02

Shades of fear give the surfing experience texture and substance. Just like shadows give a photograph depth and yoghurt gives curry an added dimension, the fears whispering in our ears make the fun bits even better.

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A Mano Surf Session #3
A Mano Team A Mano Team

A Mano Surf Session #3

Remember how said we get nervous when we announce an A Mano Session based on a ten-day forecast? Last weekend’s session was why. Not even changing days could side-step the Springtime Northerlies but the onshore just fanned the good times…

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A Mano Surf Session #2
A Mano Team A Mano Team

A Mano Surf Session #2

We always feel a little nervous when we announce an A Mano Surf Session because we’re basing it on a ten day forecast for swell and weather and they’re pretty close to guesswork a lot of the time…

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The Joy of Surfing 01
Andy Summons Andy Summons

The Joy of Surfing 01

Just about every way I look at surfing, it’s absurd – a selfish hobby (one person to a wave thanks) enjoyed by tens of millions of people around the world in the only space sharks and humans coexist.

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The First Of Many - A Mano Surf Session
A Mano Team A Mano Team

The First Of Many - A Mano Surf Session

If you missed the first A Mano Surf Session, don’t stress. We’re already planning the next one. We love the opportunity to connect with our community, talk boards and see our shapes being enjoyed by different surfers in fun surf.

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